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Save the date for “Clash of the Consultants”!

On Friday (Nov. 4), Thunderbird Management and Consulting Association will hold a case competition “Clash of the Consultant” at AT&T from 9am – 1pm.

Clash of the Consultants (CoC) is a case competition that requires participating teams to analyze a business case as a professional consultant. Students will apply principles of marketing, finance, and supply chain to solve a complex business problem and present their findings and recommendations to a panel of judges on November 4th. The CoC event will allow participants to gain experience on a real life consulting case, develop skills for cracking consulting case interviews, network with professors, and bolster their resumes.
Come and cheer on the final competing teams. You will learn how to tackle a business case in a new way, apply principles to address actual business problems, and build a skill set to prepare for future case interviews.