Professors Kannan Ramaswamy and Andrew Inkpen
Professors Kannan Ramaswamy and Andrew Inkpen were recently selected by Journal of International Business Studies/ JIBS as “Special Issue Editors” on the topic, “Governments as Owners: Globalizing State Owned Enterprises”.
JIBS is currently rated as the #3 journal in Business according to citation reports published by Thompson Reuters. FT top 40 since inception. And, to many scholars, JIBS is the number one journal dedicated to global management theory-building and research.
For a sense of the competitive and rigorous nature of Kannan and Andrew’s achievement, here is how the review process worked:
1) Competitive proposals from the global research community were invited by JIBS Editor in mid-2011.
2) Competitive reviews of proposals and completion of first round selection by Managing Editor and the Editorial Board of JIBS.
3) Revision of proposals sent to Executive Review Board comprised of the cabinet of Editors and the Editor-in-Chief at their annual meetings in January 2012.
4) Proposal chosen for further consideration by the AIB.
5) Presented to the AIB Executive Board in February.
6) Winner was picked by the AIB Board.
7) Lastly, JIBS typically has only one or two (maximum) special issues each year.
Good News for Thunderbird
In short, two number ones in “Global”, JIBS and Thunderbird, neatly paired. This is tough-to-beat visibility.
And, the very topic, “Governments as Owners: Globalizing State Owned Enterprises”, aligns nicely with dimensions of global management thought and practice upon which Thunderbird has, and will, continue to demonstrate leadership. Of particular relevance to Thunderbird:
- The Special issue will emphasize the unfolding and contemporary trend of state capitalism, the subject of extensive recent reporting by leading analysts including the special forum by the Economist. Given its very nature, it will be truly global in focus, even bridging developed and emerging economies.
- It will link business themes with political and economic themes reflecting the curriculum and research focus of Thunderbird. It will particularly encourage contributions that are multi-disciplinary cutting across traditional international studies/political economy fields and the field of international business.
- Significant scope to include papers that concentrate on emerging market multinationals, state owned multinationals, and their impact socially, economically and politically across the global landscape
- A special conference on the topic is under consideration in connection with the special issue and would provide an opportunity for Thunderbird to gain attention amongst a selected group of scholars
Congratulations to Professors Kannan Ramaswamy and Andrew Inkpen again on the achievement!