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Interested in a specific business field? Or in a particular activity? Looking for ways to relax or for ways to improve your professional skills? Want to keep yourself updated about the various activities around campus? Then make sure to attend Club Day this Friday, and sign up for the ones that best suit your interests!

To help you prepare for the day, we asked clubs to provide a preview of what you can expect from them this trimester:

Global Sounds: Fellow T birds! We are your entertainment for Fall 2012. Join us if you sing, join us if u play something! Or just join us if you like good ol’ rock n roll! Global Sounds – It’s all about the music.

Thunderbird Private Equity and Venture Capital Club: Interested in Private Equity and Venture Capital? Learn more about the industry. Gain valuable modeling skills. Network in the industry. Position yourself for success!!!

Korea Club: We would like to give students a chance to experience “Korean Style”, including “Gangnam style”, the hottest world song by a Korean singer!

Thunderbird Golf Club: Golf is a sport where you can entertain clients, open doors and close deals! All experience levels are encouraged to join and participate.

Business Improvisation Club: Using techniques from the dynamic art of improvisation, we will target and enhance business skills, leading high energy, experiential learning exercises – come get your stress out!

Thai Smile Club: You will learn about Thai culture and food, gain a networking foundation in Thailand, and most importantly, you will SMILE.

Thunderbird Cricket Club: All it takes is all you’ve got”. Involving the global community at Thunderbird to understand the most popular game in the Indian Subcontinent – Cricket. Come join the club  and support us for the American College Cricket West Coast Championship!

Thunderbird Rugby Club: The deepest alumni network, the oldest Thunderbird tradition, the most social club, the greatest game on earth – there’s no excuse not join.

Thunderbird Finance Association: Part of the newly established TAP initiative, the TFA serves to contribute to the personal and professional growth of students interested in careers within the finance industry. TFA will host speakers, an M&A Case Competition and a variety of networking and skills building opportunities.

Net Impact: This tri we’re focusing on doing well by doing good. With Service Corps/Board Fellows, students can expect to boost their resume and their good karma!

MBA Women International (MBAWI) Club: The MBAWI club engages and supports Women MBAs through networking, Women & Wealth Seminars, a Mentor Program, social events and much more.

Thunderbird Gaming Club: Pwn bad guys, drive super fast cars or score that winning goal. For an epic adventure for every type of gamer, enter the Virtual World that balances your workload with fun!

Project Management Club: How to become a certified Project Management Professional (PMP)? Join our club for study sessions, speaker sessions, mentor program, networking events and job opportunities!

For more information, join our Project Management Club Information Session event that is going to be held on Sep 19th, 5-6pm at Snell 24.

Middle East / North Africa Club: Business, culture, development, democratization, religion – the Middle East is the most comprehensively relevant region in the world. Join the Club, come see why.

Global Investment Group: Be involved in the buying and selling of real equity. Learn and apply global financial theory provided by a Thunderbird Professor.

Thunderbird Micro Finance Association: TMFA strives to educate students on microfinance by involving them in projects and fund-raising events to support micro-finance institutes through profit and non-profit business models.

ThunderDance: ThunderDance allows students to learn about diverse cultures through dance, build confidence, teamwork and collaboration. and to promote a healthy lifestyle.

European Business and Culture Club (Thunderbird EBCC): Foster dialogue about European business and culture, and restore the topic of Europe in daily business education discourse. Expect great speakers, targeted panel discussions, and networking opportunities.

Check out the Club Day European Photo Contest on EBCC’s Facebook page

African Business Club: The African Business Club is for anyone who is interested in doing business in or with Africa and the various cultures of the continent.

Thunderbird Technology Business Association: We aim to make the student community aware of how technology is impacting business and how to tap this opportunity and make a successful career in this domain.

Get Out of Glendale Organization: GOGOs hosts off-campus, social events to ease your mind after classes. Join us for nights out, festivals and more!

TIGNUM Club: In partnership with TIGNUM, we will promote “Sustainable High Performance” throughout Thunderbird. We’ll provide workshops and tools necessary to help students succeed during critical events.

Global Supply Chain Club: We will be supplementing in-class learning with hard-skill workshops, manufacturing plant tours, and bringing back the Supper and Supply Chain Series.

Thunderbird Volleyball Club: For T-birds who have an interest in volleyball, this is the perfect opportunity! All levels are welcome. In addition to weekly matches, there will be a competitive tournament held during the trimester.

Taiwan Club: We would like to introduce Taiwanese Business Culture and devote to the net working between members and alumni.

Thunderbird Toastmasters provides the community with an opportunity to hone their public speaking and communication skills while earning internationally recognized certificates through weekly meetings and events.

Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM): In any position you hold, you will have to rely on people working with people. Thunderbird’s HR Club, SHRM, gives you the tools and support that you’ll need! Join this Friday!

Outdoor Activities Club: Outdoor Activities Club: Enjoy the unique outdoor activities such as skydiving, hiking, Ice skiing in your Thunderbird student life.

Kindly note that some clubs did not provide a preview, but will be available to provide information on Club Day.