T-birds were all suited up, looking sharp to impress the 33 employers who participated in the career fair last week. The Career Management Center did an excellent job organizing the event from registering the recruiters to making them feel as welcome as possible on campus. It was indeed a busy time for those graduating soon… perhaps even a little nerve wrecking with rising anxiety and pressure levels. Pressured to find ourselves that “perfect job” after all the hard work and money invested in adding a master’s degree to our resumes! Hang on a minute…now what do we mean by a “perfect job”? Sounds like the debate we often hear about the existence of the one and only “soul-mate” who most often than not only appears after we have been through several crappy relationships. Pondering over that, maybe it could also be that we know ourselves better as we make mistakes and eventually find someone who is our right fit.
In talking to recruiters who have been coming back to Thunderbird to recruit, there is a common reason as to why they continue to come back. T-birds seem to “fit” well within their organizations and as a result have been very successful in their careers. The right fit being a function of a person’s character more than a function of just academic achievements. As students, we often get caught up targeting fortune 500 companies and are attracted to companies with big names. While that is not wrong, we will make better career decisions if we prioritized what companies and jobs fit us well; people who are compatible with our personalities and inspire us to tap our highest potential. Sounds very much like what we look for in a partner to have a successful relationship!
Click on the video below to hear what Guy Groff has to say about Thunderbird’s Fall Career Fair.