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TG1People around the world consider holidays an opportunity to catch up with family and friends. It is a time where delicious home cooked food combined with the company of people close to our hearts gives us the best reason to let our hair down and celebrate the joys of life! Here in the United States, Thanksgiving is one of the major holidays of the year and marks the start of the holiday season. At Thunderbird, many students are far from their families, but it is heart-warming and comforting to know that friends are everywhere.

Steven Preator (MBA 2013) and his wife Kristy brought their own holiday tradition to Thunderbird. For the second consecutive year, they opened their home to T-birds for a traditional Canadian/American Thanksgiving dinner. Steve fried turkeys, and Kristy (the Canadian in the couple) entertained guests with Moose Milk and other assorted drinks. Paul Martin, a frequent guest of the Preator family, exclaimed on Friday “Wow.”

Over 20 Thunderbird students gathered at Steve and Kristy’s place to celebrate Thanksgiving this year. Karan Passey was proud to mark his attendanceTG2 for the second year in a row. Karan capped off the evening participating in the festive ping pong tournament along with Perry Crider (MBA 2013).

Steve and Kristy first started the open house in 2005 after their first Thanksgiving in an overseas posting made them realize that without family or friends, it is just another meal. They thank everyone that was able to attend, and invite those they missed to next year’s bash, wherever in the world it happens to be.

This is precisely what makes T-birds so very special!