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By: Michael Huang

Last Tuesday, the Thunderbird SHRM Student Chapter held a “Recruiter’s Mindset” session and invited Andrew Stringer, VP for Human Resource at Thunderbird School of Global Management, to speak amindsett the event.

During the session, Andrew shared his career path as an HR professional who transferred from UK to US 14 years ago. He gave students an insight into how to deal with employees’ issues and how to determine who is the best fit for the current position. He also explained how to effectively set up a equal compensation for every employee in the company.

For students seeking a career in HR, Andrew advised that “Taking part in SHRM is not enough, what you have to do is to keep networking”, explaining that it is necessary to expose your self at professional HR events. As a senior HR manager, he also gave students several suggestions of how to properly approach recruiters, and emphasized the importance of follow-up contact after interviews. He also listed some do’s and dont’s while communicating with recruiters.

Another key piece of advice that Andrew had for students was that, “No one is perfect.” He went on to explain that when recruiters asked if you have ever failed in a job or task, what they are really asking is what you learned from failure and how quickly you’re going to recover from failure.

The students were then given the opportunity to ask Andrew questions about issues that they have been experiencing in their own job search and how to properly deal with the follow-up interview.