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By Rahul Garag

Dear T-birds,

Welcome to the Ethics Corner sponsored by the Thunderbird Honor Council. In an effort to better educate our student body on ethical business practices, we will present to you an article, news link, or story from our own students that helps to showcase what is going on in the business world with ethical business behavior. We hope to create a dialogue between students to better prepare themselves for what might lie ahead in their careers. Moreover, we hope to provide information to better prepare you for your life ahead.

As we begin to prepare for midterm exams and finals, the Honor Council would like to take this opportunity to draw you attention to the Thunderbird Code of Conduct. With such a diverse student body – a fact of pride for Thunderbird, it is inevitable that we all have the same mindset regarding what is considered to be appropriate conduct in an academic setting. As such, the primary role of the Honor Council is not to instill fear but to act as a source of information which students can use to protect themselves and each other (see Honor Code below).

The Oath of Honor

As a Thunderbird and a global citizen, I promise:
I will strive to act with honesty and integrity,

I will respect the rights and dignity of all people,

I will strive to create sustainable prosperity worldwide,

I will oppose all forms of corruption and exploitation, and I will take responsibility for my actions.


As I hold true to these principles, it is my hope that I may enjoy an honorable reputation and peace of conscience.


This pledge I make freely and upon my honor.

Also at this time, as we prepare to undertake internships and full-time positions around the world, the Honor Council would like to draw your attention to one of the elements that make us T-birds unique, our Oath of Honor (see right).

Just as important to the Thunderbird brand as our “Global Mindset”, the Oath of Honor is another element that strengthens the Thunderbird network.

As you review these documents, you should have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Honor Council. We are here FOR YOU.


I commit to:


Develop Trust through Honesty

Perform at the highest levels of excellence, as a member of the Thunderbird community, in my studies, research, learning, and in my personal, professional and extra-curricular activities;

Maintain standards of exemplary integrity so that no place exists for lying, cheating, stealing, plagiarizing, piracy or violating intellectual property rights, or for diminishing the personal liberties of fellow students, professors or other persons or entities.


Respect all Members of the Thunderbird Community

Value diversity among colleagues and encourage cooperation by emphasizing positive human relationships and the honor of all people, whether pursuing personal or group results;

Behave in a professional manner, both on and off Thunderbird campuses, in order to secure my personal reputation and enhance that of the Thunderbird community.


Lead by Example

Have the courage to express disagreement respectfully, the strength to lead, and the wisdom to follow as essential parts of outstanding and mature character, always aiming to excel;

Confront all forms of unethical behavior or any inappropriateness including physical and emotional harassment; hold my colleagues and myself accountable, and, if necessary, report adverse issues to the Honor Council or appropriate administrative offices.