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welcomeWelcome to the new Das Tor! I hope that all of you are as excited as we are to get exploring this brand new site of our Thunderbird School newspaper. I can assure you that this student newspaper is jam packed full of information from all aspects of our campus life as well as input from abroad and alumni. For those of you that are familiar with the Financial Times (as I’m hoping most are being business school students), this site operates in a very similar way. Each week, our staff will post our articles. You will still be emailed a weekly brief on Sunday nights but I must warn you, this will not have all the information of the paper. It will just be a brief outline and summary. For the full effect, you will need to navigate to the site ( weekly to stay informed.

Content will continue to be added every Sunday. When the mailer goes out, that’s the sign that new content is up! The format is fairly simple to follow. All of the new content will be featured on the homepage. The featured articles will be placed in the window at the stop. Below, you will find the rest of the articles. If you will navigate to the top of the page, you can also find the navigation bar which can take you directly to Dr. Keck’s updates, TSG Mailers, and much more. We also have all of the school’s photos and videos on the site found in that navigation bar.

Finally, I would like to introduce you to the first comprehensive calendar. What’s more, this calendar is a Google Calendar that can be merged onto your own personal calendar. This calendar will feature events from all aspects of campus. You can find administration calendar items, Club activities, speaker events, and much much more. For those of you that are club leaders, I will be reaching out to you in the next week to go over adding your events to the calendar.

Until then, enjoy the new Das Tor and please feel free to comment below on how we are doing. There will be kinks to work out as we get started but your feedback helps us to know if we are on track. Finally, I would like to thank our IT Developer, Mahmood Hussain for all of his incredible work in making this new Das Tor possible. Again, enjoy and thank you for reading!