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Devil’s Bridge, Sedona. Photo courtesy: Kate Stout

It was one of those rare Sundays when we let time slip away from us (just a bit) and tried to forget we were students with cases to read and papers to write, but rather just 5 new friends headed to Sedona. Specifically, we were heading out to hike Devil’s Bridge.

We were just a few minutes out of Glendale when the landscape changed so dramatically, the mood in the car did too.  Open road, sunshine and anticipation made the 90 minute drive to Sedona seem like 30.  Thanks to the always precise and accurate iPhone map app, we ended up in the back of an apartment complex that had Bridge in it’s name.  Or was it Devil?  Regardless, we were still 15 minutes away from the real Devil’s Bridge.

Devil’s Bridge is the largest sandstone arch in the Sedona area and is a moderate, somewhat steep, hike.  The hike itself is just under 2 miles round-trip.  If you include the walk from the parking lot to the trail head, we guessed the entire walk/hike was 3-4 miles.

We arrived just in time to hike up to the bridge, spend some time taking in the breathtaking view and snapping a lot of pictures before it was officially dark.

As we walked back to the car, we talked about what an amazing unifier nature is, how similar and small we were in its vastness.  How relieved we were, for just a moment, that we didn’t have cell service.  But mostly, we talked about how happy we were that we made the time to be there.

And we watched that spectacular sunset before we headed back to reality.

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