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Courtesy: Thaedra Brondum

By Thaedra Brondum

With the summer trimester started and a quarter of the way through, Thunderbird’s campus seems empty.  This summer there are only about 100 students on campus as most students have taken this time to participate in internships, travel, TEM Labs, or even the summer language intensive opportunities.  Still, the Spring 2014 intake, and some Fall 2013 students are on campus enjoying the Arizona heat.

What are the students doing to socialize? Some students are getting together for BBQs, like the Spring 2014 cohort did on Memorial Day at the Fish. Summer is a great time for BBQs so keep an eye out for groups hanging around the Fish throughout the season. Others are gearing up for the World Cup by creating a video. Even with all of these gatherings if the campus still feels empty, there are more events happening on campus for all students to look forward to. The start and continuation of the World Cup for one! During this period students will gather together to cheer on teams or boo the competition. For as long as the World Cup is happening the campus is sure to feel alive. Other events, like World Night, will also make the campus feel fuller as EMBA, Spring 2014, Fall 2013, and Perspective Students gather together for short Regional Night. The TEDxThunderbird Club will also be having an event on the 19th  so watch for details.

There are 10 active clubs on campus this summer so it should be easy  to find something to do. All the clubs have been asked by TSG to hold at least one event this summer to encourage Thunderbirds to create community and not hide in air conditioned buildings all summer. Keep an eye out for events hosted by clubs if you are looking to be social this summer. TSG is also putting together a ThunderCares event to help encourage Thunderbirds to get out and about in a productive manner.

If you are having trouble finding social gatherings and feel like you’re going to go crazy in this Arizona heat with “no one around”, don’t despair. Events will be happening. Watch for TSG emails, Rebecca’s Friday emails, posters, and even on Facebook.  You are not as alone on campus this summer as you might think!