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By, Rebecca Henriksen

Dear  T-birds,

It’s been an intense week with tests, presentations, interviews, club meetings, and more. I am always impressed by our student’s ability to balance so many tasks and responsibilities. But then of course I’m talking about T-birds, the most adaptable people in the world.


Here is what you’ll find in this week’s update:


1.       Important Notification for students interested in testing out of their language requirement, deadline October 31st

2.       Arizona Coyotes Hockey Tickets Giveaway During Professional Development Week!

3.       Hydraulic Grinding of Fallen Tree Stumps and Root Balls began Thursday, October 9th

4.       Important reminders from the IBIC

5.       Thunderbird Health & Lifestyle EXPO, October 15th

6.       New from the Thunderbird Archives



1.       Important Notification for students interested in testing out of their language requirement


The deadline to waive your language requirement by taking the OPI Challenge is Friday, October 31st. Tests are proctored Monday thru Friday from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM in the Voris Building-Pod B. Please use the attached link to register and schedule your OPI. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact Cheri Roberts @  (see the attached document for more details)



2.       Arizona Coyotes Hockey Tickets Giveaway During Professional Development Week!

On the off-chance that a full week of programming geared exclusively towards helping you land your dream job wasn’t enough, we’re sweetening the pot. Students who attend at least one professional development week event will be automatically entered into a drawing to win tickets to an upcoming Arizona Coyotes hockey game.   The opportunity includes time to network with team executives.  We will be giving away 15 tickets to two November home game. Good luck and remember to sign-in!


3.       Hydraulic Grinding of Fallen Tree Stumps and Root Balls began Thursday, 10/09


As you are aware, Facilities Services had crews on campus beginning yesterday, Thursday, October 9  to begin the process of hydraulic grinding the remaining tree stumps and root balls.   Crews began working on the outer roadway, Thursday and will continue Friday, gradually working their way to the inner part of the campus.  Once we are able to estimate the timing of the outer roadway work, we will be sending out updates on the scheduling and locations of the inner campus work.    As always, we will be checking program and class schedules through Ad-Astra and will do our best to not disturb any educational activities.  However, if noise does become an issue for any programs, classes or other meetings being held on campus, please contact the Facilities Offices and we will make any necessary adjustments.


Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue with our storm clean-up efforts.



4.       Important reminders from the IBIC


Food: a reminder that meals are not allowed in the IBIC. We have had an increasing number of students bringing in sushi, pizza, pasta, salads, and more. Please do not bring your breakfast, lunch, or dinner to the IBIC. We DO allow individual snack-sized containers of chips, cookies, candy, and other snack foods; small amounts of finger foods (e.g., small size fruits and vegetables, dried fruits and nuts, string cheese); candy bars, granola bars, power bars, etc.; and other non-messy, non-smelly individual snack foods.  For the health and comfort of students, we do NOT allow hot entrees, burgers, French fries, pizza, noodles, sub sandwiches, burritos, tacos, soup, sushi, pasta, fish, and other hot, smelly or messy items; or large size bags or packages of chips, crackers, cookies, doughnuts, salad etc.   A good rule of thumb is to look at our snack machine in the IBIC—if your food is similar to what you see in there, it’s okay.


Hours: the IBIC will be open until 11:00 PM October 10 for midterm preparation. During Professional Development week (Oct. 20-24) we will close at 9:00 PM Monday through Friday, and at 5:00 PM on Saturday the 25th.


Research Help: Librarians are available to meet with you M-F from 9-12 and 1-4:30 PM. Just ask at the circulation desk and a librarian will meet you at the reference desk. We can often save you valuable time by helping you zero in on the information you need.



Thunderbird Health & Lifestyle EXPO


Wednesday:  October 15, 2014

Time: 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Where: Erickson Alumni Pavilion


Please make plans to attend this event. See the attached for detailed information. Free flu shots will be available to all Thunderbird students on a walk-in basis, no appointment necessary!  Times for flu shots will be 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (the shots will run longer than the EXPO.



5.       New from the Thunderbird Archives


We recently published a new collection of materials to the Arizona Memory Project site. These items are all related to Thunderbird Field and Southwest Airways (the company that operated the airfield) from 1941-1945. There are never-before-seen photos of the airfield grounds and cadets. In addition, there are materials published by Southwest Airways, including a company handbook, yearbooks and a monthly magazine. Here is a direct link to the collection:

