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By Mary Richardson, Staff Writer

As a student on the go, you probably don’t have time to keep beating yourself about the midterms you bombed last week. Belittle yourself no more! Crystals can help. They’re easy to buy and only require blind faith. Most importantly, they’ll allow you to forget your intellectual insecurities and just go on with the rest of your life as if nothing happened. Here are a few that you can leave by your bed or carry around in an Altoids tin during the day for spiritual and emotional reinforcement.

Rose Quartz

Cleanse the auric field with rose quartz. Courtesy of Crystal Dictionary

Cleanse the auric field with rose quartz. Courtesy of Crystal Dictionary

Rose quartz is the stone of pure love—for oneself, one’s family, one’s partner, one’s cohort, even one’s professor that everyone kind of resents. Unlike that aggravating final waiting in your mailbox, rose quartz envelopes you in love and reawakens the trust you lost in that one team member who is definitely responsible for messing up the presentation. Dispel fear and suspicion and embrace hope and faith in group projects by placing rose quartz on your third eye and meditating.

Get grounded with moss agate. Courtesy of Scotia Gems

Get grounded with moss agate. Courtesy of Scotia Gems

Moss Agate

Moss agate has a number of sound metaphysical properties, including grounding additional spiritual energy. This stone also corrects imbalances between the left and right sides of the brain, which you probably need after hitting your ahead against the wall trying to figure out that finance study guide.

If you feel you lack creativity like your group members said you do, or that you need to tap into your more logical side, desperately clutch this stone and never let go. The vibration of moss agate also brings the strength and courage to stand up to the alpha member in your cohort. Don’t worry, moss agate also helps with emotional healing. It’ll also aid you in finding unity in your life because most of your other classmates probably agree with you about that alpha problem.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli is proven to make people think they actually like studying. Courtesy of Gemstone Buzz

Lapis lazuli is proven to make people think they actually like studying. Courtesy of Gemstone Buzz

Lapis lazuli kindles wisdom, understanding, and good judgment in the real world, which would have been especially helpful when you decided to go to that concert the night before your hardest midterm. The crystal also helps activate the higher mind so you can delve into nitty-gritty intellectual analysis. To get to the end-of-the-semester finish line, use the crystal to help with the learning process and re-spark that desire for knowledge. Lapis lazuli also enhances memory but only for the time you have it so you can promptly forget last week. Wear lapis lazuli to work as it will attract promotions, success, and consistent compliments on how cool your necklace is from other hippies in your office.

Keep the fires out with apophyllite. Courtesy of Marin Minerals

Keep the fires out with apophyllite. Courtesy of Marin Minerals


Apophyllite is a calming, effective stress-reducer that releases mental blockages and negative thought patterns. The spiritual linking associated with this crystal makes it great for deep meditation, mystical vision, and inter-dimensional or astral travel. That way, if the other crystals aren’t working, you can just totally check out of reality.  Apophyllite also protects from fire, but still be conscious of the obvious hazards when you’re burning that paper you spent way too much time on.


Life with crystals sure is easy, right? So no more waking up in the middle of the night wracked with anxiety about grades, deadlines, or your scholarship eligibility. You’ll have a lot more time to worry about other things.