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A Small World After All: Looking Back on Regional Night

A Small World After All: Looking Back on Regional Night

by Daisy Jasmine, Staff Writer   Just a few weeks ago, the usually-quiet Thunderbird campus saw a brief and shining return to its former glory. In anticipation of the impending campus move, alumni of all ages flocked home from all corners of the world to roost...
The Friendship Lesson

The Friendship Lesson

by Daisy Jasmine, Staff Writer   Dear Prince Morrison, Before I came to Thunderbird, I was something of a loner. I had friends I loved, to be sure, but I never truly felt that coveted sense of community—a tightly knit group of ponies who really, without caveats,...
What I Learned From Rugby

What I Learned From Rugby

by Daisy Jasmine, Staff Writer   I was never much for team sports. Volleyball, softball, basketball, and competitive swimming all courted me, and one by one they had their hearts broken. By the time I came to Thunderbird, I had long given up on the idea that I...
Choose Your Own Adventure: Video Games and Storytelling

Choose Your Own Adventure: Video Games and Storytelling

by Daisy Jasmine, Staff Writer It’s hardly news to anyone that any pastime which picks up widespread popularity is bound to eventually be met with some resistance and skepticism, and this rings especially true for the medium of video games. Anti-video game arguments...
Adapt or Die: Adaptations, Reboots, and Retellings

Adapt or Die: Adaptations, Reboots, and Retellings

by Daisy Jasmine, Staff Writer   When the teaser trailer for the Wrinkle in Time movie first appeared on my social media feed, I frantically scrolled down to conceal it before any of the cast appeared on screen. I had missed the memo that there would be an...