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Life Lessons During a Summer in Tokyo

Life Lessons During a Summer in Tokyo

By Paul George Smith Jr., Guest Writer This past summer I had an internship with GMO Research, a great company that is a part of the GMO Internet Group in Tokyo, Japan. In this case, GMO means “Global Media Online,” although many people mistakenly think that GMO is...
Supporting Thunderbird Students: Working at the CMC

Supporting Thunderbird Students: Working at the CMC

By Yu-Ju (Katty) Lin, Guest Writer This past summer, I worked as a project management intern with the Thunderbird Career Management Center (CMC). The CMC offers career events and workshops throughout the academic year to enhance students’ career development. I have...
Lions and Hippos and Opportunity, Oh My!

Lions and Hippos and Opportunity, Oh My!

By Torie Klocko, Guest Writer While I’m open to new experiences, as I’ve gotten older, I find myself becoming more discriminating in the risks I’m willing to take. At best, I like to think of myself as “quasi-adventurous.” In fact, before March, I never would have...
Unveiling Syrian Refugee Camps

Unveiling Syrian Refugee Camps

By Maddie Handler, Guest Writer When I first arrived in Jordan, all I really knew was that I wanted to learn about human development and helping people effectively so that it really causes an impact. I wanted to meet real people who wake up every day knowing that...