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Don’t Be Yourself, Be Who They Want You to Be

Don’t Be Yourself, Be Who They Want You to Be

By Bryce Bower, Co-editor I find business culture to be uncomfortable sometimes. I think I feel this way because so many small details have to be precisely in place, and first impressions are so important. During Foundations, a staff member told me I had to move my...
Down to the Wire: Tips for Landing a Last-Minute Internship

Down to the Wire: Tips for Landing a Last-Minute Internship

By Chris Barton, Co-Editor On Wednesday I heard back from an internship that I had applied for a little over a month ago. It was one I had an eye on for a while, and which I was excited about – but we were so close to summer that I was starting to get worried....
What Are You Doing With Your Summer?

What Are You Doing With Your Summer?

by Emma Livingston, Staff Writer Summertime is when T-Birds migrate across the US and around the globe to put what they’ve learned in class into practice, or to take a break from hectic class schedules and enjoy some needed downtime. I asked 13 Thunderbird students...
StudentSpeak: Career Fairs

StudentSpeak: Career Fairs

Information sessions, company visits, career fairs all over the country? And it’s job search time again! These signal the beginning of the MBA school year and reminds students to be proactive in looking for an internship or a full-time opportunity. ‘Tis...

Plan B

  So it’s that time of the year when friends and peers are accepting offers for summer and full-time positions. If you’re one of those people, heartiest congratulations! If you’re not, do not fret just yet. There is still hope and you could still land interviews...