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When Does a Place Become a Home?

When Does a Place Become a Home?

By Lauren Herber, Editor-in-Chief Last week, I wrote an article about the psychology of moving. Writing the article got me thinking about another aspect of moving: home. What makes a place a home? Can you have more than one home? How do you turn a new house, city, or...
The Psychology of Moving

The Psychology of Moving

By Lauren Herber, Editor-in-Chief It’s March 30th. How did we get here so quickly? If I push away the fog of disbelief and confusion, I can vaguely remember a semester full of trials, triumphs, new experiences, laughter, and course work. I know it happened, but it...

From the Archives

By Shannon Walker Did you know? We thought about moving to Ellis Island… In 1959 the U.S. Government was exploring options for the disposal of Ellis Island. Led by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, an appeal was sent out for bids for the island and its...