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Prezi Time During PDP Week

Prezi Time During PDP Week

The Spring professional development week featured workshops on Microsoft Excel (Intermediate and Advanced), Prezi and SPSS. The Prezi workshop was one of the finest ones. The workshop was well organized and had a good hands-on experience. The workshop lasted for about...

Welcome Back TEM Lab Alum!

By Siva Palli Two passionate weeks of application preparation, six weeks of intense hard work, followed by a presentation and finally a well-deserved lifetime of membership in the unique club we call TEM Lab. That’s the 10,000 ft. level overarching picture of what it...

A-Fair with a Career

As the morning of October 24th dawned, anyone on campus may have been fooled into thinking it was just another other gorgeous Fall day at Thunderbird: green grass, sunny skies, and birds chirping. As the clock drew close to 10 am, the calm was broken by a flurry of...
Workshops Galore!

Workshops Galore!

By Mark Jackson & Michael Reardon The LinkedIn Advantage Seminar was a great way to start off Career Week. John Hill, the Higher Education Evangelist for LinkedIn, came to speak to Thunderbird about the advantages that LinkedIn offers to students like us, but also...
Net Impact presents: Global Citizen Forum

Net Impact presents: Global Citizen Forum

By Stacey Goodman On April 11th and 12th the Net Impact Club hosted its 3rd annual Global Citizen Forum. The event was established to provide a platform to discuss how business can be used for good. Stacey Goodman, the president of the chapter, along with Lindsay...