Hello TBirds!
Thankfully, the first set of finals and midterms of the trimester are done. And the wonderful part of it all: we are still here! As the trimester keeps unfolding, we are starting to see events develop. Clubs are becoming more active around campus, TAP is well-underway with its Flagship Event, and students are entering all sorts of competitions to show the rest of the world what Thunderbird is all about.
This past week has been a very successful week for TSG. The first achievement was the school’s first ever Academic Forum put forth by our very own Michael Reardon and Pia Oestlien. We received great feedback, actionable steps, genuine concerns, and suggestions for improvements. All of these are being handled primarily by our Academics Affairs Chair (Michael Reardon) and the information is being distributed to the right people. Please stay in touch with Michael Reardon to discover the progress on the issues.
Our Alumni Relations and Gift Giving Chair has successfully completed TSG’s first spring fundraiser with the Valentine’s Day and the Friends Week Candy Grams. All the money raised by this event will go directly to the Spring 2014 Class Gift.
For a quick update on the Madrid Module Abroad, the students are having a great time and enjoying Europe. Having said that, some issues have risen out of the newness of the program. Manik Tayal (Madrid Module Abroad Representative) and Sudharshan Babu (Student Affairs Chair) have been very successful at solving these with the help of the school’s administration and other departments.
Finally, the TSG family is about to get a little bigger. As we are seeing TSG activities and initiatives increase, we are finding ourselves needing a little more help. In the coming week, a TSG Treasurer Representative and possibly another first/second Trimester Representative position will be opening up.
Now, the important items for the coming weeks:
ATS Meetings- Every Tuesday and Thursday: Do you have some ideas about how to upgrade the technology in Thunderbird? Perfect! Every Tuesday, the ATS team is meeting to take suggestions from students as to how the Thunderbird campus can be technologically improved. There are meetings every Tuesday and Thursday at 1 PM by the couches at the Commons. Be there, or maybe the next generation of TBirds will be forced to go back to chalkboards!
Regional Night-March 1st: We have our first Regional Night-the Americas- coming up this Saturday at the TEC. Time to witness some great performances and indulge ourselves in some tasty food! Fiona Teerlink, our Events Coordinator Chair, has put together a great team of ThunderPlanners and they are looking forward to yet another wonderful Regional Night. The buffet line opens at 6:30 PM so don’t be late!
CMC Forum- March 4th: The CMC has dedicated a special slot to inform students about the current job market, the CMC’s response to that job market, how this applies to international students, and what success looks like. In addition, this event will have an open forum component that will mimic the widely successful Academic Forum so that students can voice their concerns and give suggestions.
TSG Elections: The TSG President and Vice-President Elections schedules for both Summer 2014 and Fall 2014 will be coming out in the next week. If you are interested in running for these positions, please keep your eyes open for these announcements.
We hope you all have a fantastic week!
– Your friendly neighborhood TSG