On November 8, Typhoon Haiyan struck the six Philippine islands, leaving destruction and desolation in its wake. It left many without access to food and medical care and has thus far displaced about 3 million people. The affected people and areas in the Philippines will take a while to heal and rebuild.
Naturally, the Thunderbird students, with an amazing international community couldn’t just sit by and do nothing. Spearheaded by the Victor Cabiles, the Filipino & Friends Club decided to use any resources possible to raise funds for those affected back home. The first was a Cookie Gram fundraising drive, held in conjunction with Thunderbird Student Government (TSG), followed by donation drives at the Pub, fundraising at the Executive Inn (which will end on Monday) and a PayPal link (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin
As of Friday evening, the funds raised had reached $676, with more funds coming in. The TSG has promised to match the money raised, while Johnson & Johnson have pledged to double the amount raised at Thunderbird!