By: Alina Buzgar, News Editor
A Thunderbird Ambassador is a representative of our renowned global community. Once you become a Campus Ambassador (CA) you are held to very high standards in maintaining good academic performance, cultured behavior, and a positive image. “We look for students who embody what it means to be a T-Bird. These students tend to be natural leaders within our community. They are articulate, passionate, diverse, culturally aware, and committed, both academically and to the CA program.” says Shelley Flenniken, MBA ’15.
Campus Ambassadors guide tours for prospective students and represent Thunderbird at business forums and recruiting events, such as the Thunderbird Campus Preview Weekend. “Giving campus tours is very important to the marketing and admissions functions of the school,” says Niky Chokshi. A CA participates in Preview Weekends, conducts campus tours, and maintains contact with prospective students. Flenniken points out that, “This is why they joined the program. They want to share their experience here at Thunderbird and find that engaging with prospective students to be very rewarding.”
The Campus Ambassador Program is the official student branch of recruitment and has specific responsibilities in supporting recruiting efforts. It is also the only club that has an application and interview process and minimum standards for becoming and staying a member. The program is funded by the administration and therefore do not need to receive allocations via TSG. “While being a Campus Ambassador does require a commitment of time and responsibility you can still use all of your TSG allocations for other clubs you would like to support,” adds Flenniken.
Some of the events organized last year included Campus Ambassadors Day to promote the program and recruit new members, a training day, and a Welcome Reception at the Pub. During the Alumni Weekend, CAs played a substantial role at the Relive the Mystique Weekend. They hosted “Then and Now” Campus Tours celebrating the 10-year reunion of the class of 2004 including tours of General Yount’s office. Several other events such as the panel discussion, “Competitive Advantage of Regions”, proved very popular and successful. CAs had other fun activities in 2014: a trip to hike the Lava Tubes in Flagstaff and a closing dinner event.
There were 60 members in Fall 2014. The team is looking to recruit another 25 CAs in the spring to replace the 25 CAs who graduated and keep the program at capacity as they anticipate a significant need for CAs given the upcoming increase in recruitment.
“The CALT (Campus Ambassador Leadership Team) likes to show appreciation for our members in a variety of ways” says Flenniken. “We host a welcome reception for the CAs at the beginning of every trimester at the Pub. The CA outing is a fun event that we host each year and have done everything from go-cart racing to hiking up in Flagstaff and much more. We also host our end of trimester dinner to celebrate all of the hard work of our CAs with great food, drinks and company. Being in the Campus Ambassador Program provides additional consideration for continuing student grants. You receive free lunches during campus tours, and you have the opportunity to meet and interact with visiting executives and special guests.”
“The Campus Ambassador Program is excited for the new opportunities in front of us. We see ourselves as a critical role in keeping the uniqueness of Thunderbird while ensuring that we are able to leverage the benefits of being a part of the larger ASU community. We are well positioned to not only accelerate the recruitment of new students to Thunderbird, but also to share what Thunderbird is to the ASU community and help define our place in that community” says Himanshu Sahib, MBA ’16.
“I’d like to see a smooth transition and integration with ASU and their campus ambassador program,” shares Collin Shepherd, MA ’15. “There are so many special characteristics at Thunderbird, and I want to make sure that ASU understands them when they promote Thunderbird to students. Likewise, I think it is important for us to understand and articulate the positive aspects of joining ASU as we give tours. I would like to see more interaction between the Thunderbird and ASU campus ambassador programs and work to establish and build a relationship between the students in the program.”
To learn more about Campus Ambassadors opportunities or learn more information about the program visit or contact the leadership team:, or