By Alina Buzgar, Editor-in-Chief
Das Tor has been an important part of campus life for over three decades. Giving a voice to students, to their thoughts and doubts, putting a face on plights and predicaments but also sharing happy occasions and joyful events within our community.
Our team’s promise is to continue to be your voice and bring you relevant high quality content every week. To be in touch with your worries, your fears and to let your ideas and thoughts be heard by your peers. We hope you join us as we embark this journey.
Our team is excited to be working to bring Das Tor’s vision to life: By students for students. I am very happy to welcome back Emma Livingston (MBA ’15, US) and Jessica Knutzon (MBA ’15, US/Brazil) playing the roles of Co-editors this Fall, Chandra Mouli Koduri (MBA ’16, India) IT & Marketing and Keith Blincoe (MBA ’15, US) Staff Writer. Furthermore, we have amazing group of people joining us as Staff Writers in the next few days: Makarand Gawade (MBA ’15, India), Sanghita Dey (MA ’16, India), Nash Wills (MA ’16, US), Chaitra Somasundar (MS ’16, India), Lauren Herber (MA ’16, US), and Jake Strickler (MA ’16, US).
We welcome your input. Send us your ideas and articles. We are excited to work with you especially when we approach sensitive and important subjects.