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By Emma Livingston, Co-Editor

I want to continue Das Tor’s discussion on the future of Thunderbird. In the first Forum, we asked: “What does Thunderbird mean to you?” We wanted to find out what value Thunderbird has for students, faculty, staff members, alumni, and all other stakeholders. What we found is that people value Thunderbird as a brand, as a platform towards job opportunities, and as a place where they learned to truly understand what it means to be a global citizen.

Today, we want to know: “What would you like to see more of at Thunderbird?” This question is very general, but we can use it as a launching point towards a more specific question: What is your vision for the Thunderbird student experience by 2018? If together we can envision where we would like Thunderbird to be in the future, we can put together an action plan for how to achieve that vision.

I talked with students, staff and administration, and the overall picture of what we as Thunderbird stakeholders would like to see more of at our school:

“Investment back into the physical campus. A museum and a space that could be rented out to the community.”

“I want to see a new generation of brilliant Thunderbird professors.”

“More integration between the programs. More opportunities for people from different programs to get together.”

“More participation at events.”

“More people.”

“More IBIC hours.”

“Pool parties and BBQs.”

“More company involvement – case studies, info sessions.”

“More student job opportunities.”

“Rich and diverse student body.”

“I would like to see dozens of collaborations between Thunderbird and the public and private sectors to deliver new ways of learning and contacts for the students.”

“Increased communication between professors, students, and the administration.”

“Bring back lunch with professors!”

“More students attending TSG meetings.”

“With only 159 students on campus, we have the opportunity to really bond with the professors and with each other.”

“More diversity.”

“Administration should reach out to students and ask their opinion.”

“More international opportunities.”

“I want to see this university full of brilliant students.”

“I want to see a different, disruptive way to teach business in the new order of the global economy.”

In the next few weeks, Das Tor will be inviting all of you to help shape a clear vision for Thunderbird 2018. In the meantime, please share what you would like to see more of at this school.