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The Failure of American Public Education

The Failure of American Public Education

By Amanda Cardini, Editor-in-Chief There have been several times in my life where I’ve thought why didn’t I learn this in school? I’ve often had this thought in regards to life skills like personal finance; why did it take going to college to learn key tips for...
The Direct Listing and the Future of Going Public

The Direct Listing and the Future of Going Public

By Amanda Cardini, Editor-in-Chief Last year digital music platform Spotify went public in a bold, unconventional way. The company filed its IPO through direct listing rather than through the traditional method of using financial experts to underwrite the IPO. The...
The Consequences of Government Shutdowns

The Consequences of Government Shutdowns

By Amanda Cardini, Editor-in-Chief 2019 kicked off to a rough start with the U.S. government shutting down for the longest time in history, spanning a total of 35 days from December through January. As of this writing, the government has reopened, but on a temporary...
5 Humbling Facts About Outer Space

5 Humbling Facts About Outer Space

By Amanda Cardini, Editor-in-Chief “Home” is most commonly defined in micro terms, whether it refers to a house, city, state or even country. We rarely think about our home being the entire planet, or even our planet’s home in the solar system. But in the enormous...