IBIC Hosts Bloomberg Terminal Demonstration

By Nash Wills,  Co-Editor For those of you who read my weekly articles, you know that I’m a huge proponent of the IBIC and all of the resources that it offers, and one of those resources in particular has always fascinated me: The Bloomberg Terminal. I think it draws my curiosity because I know the […]

The IBIC Is Your Friend

By Nash Wills, Co-Editor “The IBIC is your friend.” This is a lesson that, although it probably took me too long, I eventually learned during my tenure here in the desert. It’s also a lesson that many students never learn, and it’s the reason why I’m writing this article today. If you ever need to […]

Fire Drills on Campus

By  Nash Wills, Staff Writer Thunderbird has been revamping their safety procedures regarding fires as of late. A couple of weeks ago, the first incident occurred and revolved around securing the B dorms. The second occurred on Wednesday March 2, and concerned the library. I, ever the bloodhound for news stories on the Thunderbird campus, […]

How IBIC Can Work for You

By Nash Wills, Staff Writer When you think of the IBIC, what do you think of? A pretty building that houses some books and DVDs? A quiet place to study with lots of good worktables and some cool study rooms with big windows letting in natural light and stunning views? While the IBIC is all of […]

From the Archives – Famous Buildings in Thunderbird (Part 3)

The Continents This project was initiated and funded by the Thunderbird Class of 1960. The French Sculptor, ANNJA, created it. It stands at 15 ft tall, weighs 1.5 tons and took four years to complete. It represents the 135 countries from where the Thunderbird Alumni come from and work in. The outer layer features the […]

From the Archives

  Dr. Roy Herberger, Jr. became Thunderbird’s eighth president, following the retirement of President William Voris. He led the school for 15 years of growth in a tumultuous world from July 1, 1989 to June 30, 2004. Herberger had a clear picture of goals in his mind that he wanted to accomplish in the school. […]

T-Birds in the Desert: Here comes The H-E-A-T

As temperatures rose into the 90s last week, those at Thunderbird who have lived through a summer in AZ , shrugged it off with a “meh.”   The rest of us were hovering inside the IBIC and circling the parking lot for unmarked covered parking spots.  At some point during Foundations, I have a vague […]

Update 02/28

Happy Friday T-birds! Welcome to the end of another busy week at Thunderbird! There’s a lot going on around campus. We’ve had visits from a number of excellent employers, many who have been extremely impressed by our students (YOU). To name a few who have selected Thunderbird as a core school to identify talent; LVMH […]

Update 11/22

Happy Friday, Thunderbirds! We are wrapping up a very important week! As you know, the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) was on campus this week and met with a number of you.  The HLC team members I spoke with specifically told me how impressed they were with our students – they mentioned how professional, articulate, passionate, […]

Update 11/08

Happy Friday, T-birds! I hope you have had a great week! I know there have been many interviews and fly-backs happening – very exciting! A special hello to our Working Professional students who are copied on this week’s update. You are included this week because we wanted to make sure you received the information about […]