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By Tanaha Htanahaairston, MBA ’13

The Thunderbird Angel Network, established in the fall of 2010, is a medium that connects investors to entrepreneurs with early stage companies that have the potential to grow rapidly.  The network is based at Thunderbird School of Global Management and is unique because its investors are interested in both domestic and international deals.  The group meets approximately every other month over dinner and listens to presentations from candidate companies. If members show interest in a presenting company, further due diligence and deal terms are developed. Members act on their own behalf and make their own individual investment decisions.

In the first two years, the Thunderbird Angel Network has invested in ten early stage companies. Network members are currently conducting due diligence on several exciting companies and working with the management of companies to develop solutions to items that may trigger funding in the future.

The Thunderbird Angel Network also offers educational opportunities to its members regarding such topics as the characteristics of a first class management team, evaluation of the business plans of early stage companies, due diligence, valuation, term sheets and other relevant topics from global experts and practitioners.  The Thunderbird Angel Network is a member of the Angel Capital Association.

For more information, contact the Managing Directors: Tanaha Hairston, responsible for Investor relations and Chris Lopez, responsible for Entrepreneur relations.