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movember (1)

You must have noticed them. Guys straight out of the 70’s, asking questions in class, standing behind you in the queue at the Commons, sitting next to you in the IBIC….surely you can’t have missed them?

Over the past 30 days, 16 brave warriors have journeyed to the last remaining bastion of alpha-males, and in an ultimate display of masculinity, have managed to revive the lost art of………..growing a moustache.

Until as recently as 20 years ago, moustaches played the leading role in many lives. However, since then, as clean-shaven looks and barely-there stubbles started to take over the world, the moustache has been confined to an annual guest appearance – for the month of Mo-vember.

In an effort to raise awareness and funds for prostrate cancer, a group of students from Thunderbird revisited the original male fashion statement, and attempted to revive its past glory. Led by Gary Gosha Napadov, the team comprised of: Matthew Werner, Matthew Erley, Arun Thomas, Nico Coates, Reid Drossos, Ian Shiller, Charles van Caloen, Balaji Ramanuja, Sameer Bhargava, Tiago Ferraz, Jeremy LaMell, Ryan O’Neal, Varun Arora, Puneet Batra and Nathan Stickney.

So far, the team has managed to raise a little over a $1000 for the noble cause. Although moustaches are officially allowed to be shaved starting December 1, donations are still open on their webpage till December 9th: .

If you would like to commend the efforts of  “Team: Tbird Movember to Remember” or care about the cause, please make a contribution at the above website.