Two years ago, Camp Ashraf existed as a home to around 3,400 members and supporters of Iran’s principal opposition group, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran and their families. Since then, some of the residents were transferred to Camp Liberty near Baghdad Airport up to the time they could be safely “re-settled” in other countries while roughly 100 residents stayed behind.
After Saddam Hussein was overthrown in a U.S. invasion in 2003, US military forces had disarmed the residents of Camp Ashraf, who had renounced violence in 2001. The residents had assisted the United States after the 2003 invasion of Iraq and were later offered American protection, according to an agreement between the US, the UN, Iraq, and the residents.
Then 3 weeks ago, on Sep. 1, an assault was made on Camp Ashraf, starting at 5 a.m. lasting until late afternoon, killing 52 people (including 6 women). Iraqi troops tied the residents’ hands behind their backs and shot them in the head. Those killed had been formally recognized as “Protected Persons” under the Fourth Geneva Convention, by the U.S. Government in 2004 and carried a photo identification signed by the U.S. Government officials which guaranteed them protection until their final relocation.
At this point, you may be wondering why Das Tor is reporting on something that is normally covered by the national news channels. It is because this cruel attack took the life of the father of a T-bird. Amir Emadi, who graduated in Spring ’13 and was the Fall ’12 TSG President, lost his father, Ali Asghar Emadi, during the massacre. Madi, everyone at Thunderbird offers you strength and support at this tough time.
Amir has been striving to ensure this fate does not fall unto others that still remain in Camp Liberty & Camp Ashraf. Below is his story: