Hello fellow T-birds,
Hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving weekend!
To start off, I’d like to thank all of you for attending last week’s EMEA Regional Night and making it a huge success. A huge shout-out to the clubs and students for all the amazing performances!
Among others this week, the key update would be about the TSG public meeting that happened last Friday. Off of the Das Tor feedback article a couple of weeks ago, we had a feedback session with many students who were invited. Below are some of the important issues discussed:
TSG Feedback:
Some students felt that the TSG did not have the diversity that it should have:
The TSG team this trimester has a good diversity with representation from around 8 countries and all the programs (MA, MS and MBA). That said, it is important to make sure there is good representation from different countries and programs in the future as well. We are planning a system where in we can reach out to different clubs on campus and encourage them to apply for positions within the TSG. Several felt that nominating candidates during elections will help in having a better representation for the President and Vice President positions. This could be a good option to consider for the Summer 2014 elections.
Improving communication to the student body is important:
There have been a lot of initiatives that we as the TSG have taken up like Ask TSG, Know Your TSG, among others, in order to better serve the community. It is important that this continues and we will also look at other avenues to increase and improve communication.
All and all it was an extremely productive meeting with a lot of inputs that will help us better serve the community. It extremely crucial that we have good representation from the student body at these meetings so that we all work together in bettering our Thunderbird experience. To that effect, please consider this my invitation to attend all future TSG meetings to help us help you.
Glendale PD’s “Coffee with A Cop”: The Glendale Police Department are doing an inaugural friendly student interaction on campuses called “Coffee with A Cop”. This is intended as a way to meet with students and understand the issues that they face in and around Glendale or whilst in the USA. This event will occur on Thursday, Dec 5th at the Commons from 1pm to 2pm. This is particularly important for Thunderbird students as we have a large international student body and a lot of concerns that students have are unique to Thunderbird. So please do not miss this chance to hang out with some really caring police personnel and grab coffee & cookies with them!
Global Gala on Dec 13th! As another trimester ends, we get ready to bid adieu to a set of students who graduate while another move into their last few weeks at Thunderbird. With the end of a trimester, comes the biggest party of the trimester! For those graduating in December, it will be that final Thunderbird hurrah. So join us next Friday, December 13th for a night of dancing, eating, and drinking as we celebrate. To purchase your tickets, click here. The ticket sales will end on December 6th, 2013 at 11:59 PM, after that tickets will be available at the door (at a higher rate).
As always, do not hesitate to contact me anytime, any day with any questions or concerns you might have related to the TSG. Safe journeys to all of you who are traveling this weekend!
TSG President – Fall 2013