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Courtesy: My Thunderbird

Courtesy: Thunderbird School of Global Management

What a wonderful start to the trimester! As the academics begin to take their rightful place in our daily activities, it was inspiring to see so many people participating at Club Day on Friday. It appears that we will have yet another fun-filled, and professional (of course), trimester this spring. Now, we would like to introduce the First and Second Trimester Representatives for the Spring 2014 TSG:

Jonathan Tam – Marketing Second Trimester Representative
Piyush Chandra – Community Outreach First Trimester Representative
Casey Sutton – Alumni Relations and Student Affairs First Trimester Representative
Ameya Amonkar – Technical and Facilities & Security Second Trimester Representative
Barbara Noseda – Academic Affairs Second Trimester Representative
Jane Iversen – Events Planning First Trimester Representative
Giacomo Paccione – Student Activities First Trimester Representative

As you may have noticed, there isn’t a Treasurer Representative/First Trimester Representative mentioned. This leads us to the updates for the week:

TSG Treasurer Representative Application Now Open (DUE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 by 5 PM):  Do you love numbers and/or Excel spreadsheets? Do you feel like your day is incomplete until your credits and debits in your accounting homework are balanced? Then, the TSG Treasurer Representative position may be what you are looking for. As a Treasurer Representative, you will be helping the Treasurer balance TSG’s budget, approve and record club expenses, and streamline TSG’s accounting procedures. Please find the TSG Treasurer Representative description here. The Treasurer Representative applications are available with Torrey Mann in the TSG building, or will be made available online as of Monday, February 9.

TSG Tentative Budget: The tentative TSG budget for the Spring 2014 Trimester was presented by Cece Cao at this past Friday’s TSG Public Meeting. The final budget is expected to be approved by TSG at the Friday 14th TSG Public Meeting. If you have any questions/concerns about the budget before it is finalized, please contact Cece Cao at

Thank you, and we wish you all a great week!
– Spring 2014 TSG