Hey Tbirds!
It’s already 6 weeks into this Spring trimester and I am sure quite a few of us took in the CMC Spring Training sessions. I received a lot of reviews about the various sessions and I encourage everyone to give the TSG more feedback about how the Spring Training sessions could be improved. For those of us who were on vacation, I hope all of you had a fabulous break and are excited to start the new module with the renewed vigor.
The last two weeks have been extremely critical for the school and the student body. Post the news of the HLC, the TSG has had multiple information requests from not only students but alumni as well. Throughout, the singular thing that has stood out is the positive attitude that I have seen from almost everyone. We, at TSG, are talking to faculty, students and the administration to provide us with all the necessary information that students are seeking. As the TSG, we are working diligently to ensure that all the student concerns in this matter will be addressed and answered in a timely manner. I assure everyone that the TSG is working tirelessly to make sure that we will not just ask the tough questions to the administration but follow up to ensure we also find the answers for them.
Moving on, there are some important new events and announcements coming up. First: THUNDERCARES is back! Thanks to all the hard work by Alejandra Fernandez, our Community Outreach Chair, we have some really cool projects that are lined up for students to choose from. We have seen a tremendous response from the student body: in the first 2 days alone, we had nearly to 70+ students, faculty and friends signing up. This definitely goes to show that Tbirds don’t just care, they THUNDERCARE!
Second: from the previous trimester TSG has been working closely with the CMC to improve many areas, based on student feedback. Thanks to Sudharshan Babu, our Student Affairs and Services Liaison Chair, we have made some good progress in addressing the concerns raised. Our aim here was to assist the CMC in order to better serve the student body. Guy Groff and his team have been working hard but Tbirds are still looking for more, so the TSG is now working with them in order to not only better engage the student body but also help them know what exactly the student body is seeking.
Last, but not least: a new project we have been working on–the implementation of a new online system. The main intent of this system will be to aid the students of Thunderbird in having a thorough and more informed decision-making process for their course selections. Both Michael Reardon, Academics Affair Chair, and I have been working with a team of students from Georgetown on implementing the system and personally, I have to say that I am very impressed with the system. A special hat tip to Michael, who has been actively reviewing the system and finding small twists to be smoothed out so as to make the system more convenient for the student body. I am sure it will be a great help, for two main reasons:
- To help educate students about the various courses available and gain information about the course from the experience of the prior students who have already taken the course.
- To help the faculty to get critical, informative and useful feedback from the students
This system is still a work in progress as we have yet to sort out a lot of things with regard to its implementation, but I wanted to inform all of you, as I would like to have any feedback for the TSG regarding the idea of this system. We will have a brief presentation on this system this week in the TSG public meeting on Friday, 28th March.
Other updates:
ThunderCares is here again to help out the community!
The date is set – 4/5/14!
Stay tuned for more information regarding the different projects!
So now just prepare for it, jot down the date, block it out of your calendar, and get excited!
Global Citizen Forum hosted by Net Impact
Date – March 27th and 28th
T-Bird alumni and other business professionals from leading global enterprises will share how they create sustainable prosperity while also making a profit. Be a part of the conversation.
With that, it’s a wrap from my side and as always, in case you have any concerns/queries/feedback for the TSG then do let us know or you can reach me at nikhilpurwaha@global.t-bird.edu.