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By, Rebecca Henriksen

Another exciting weekend is in store here at Thunderbird. There is an EMBA/full-time student mixer tonight at the pub, ThunderCares and the Americas Regional Night are happening tomorrow, followed by the Turkey Trot on Sunday afternoon (which I think should be mandatory for all T-birds who had too much fun on Saturday night J). Also, be sure to check out the amazing progress being made on the Rugby mural. It is a thing of beauty.


I hope that you are able to participate in the Student Discussion Session that will take place this coming Monday, November 24th, at 4:00 p.m. in the AT&T Auditorium. This session will be led by Mark Searle, ASU Deputy Provost, along with leaders from both ASU and Thunderbird. The express purpose of this event is to answer student questions related to this week’s HLC approval announcement and the possible impact on some student’s course of study.


This session will be recorded for those who are not able to participate and will also be available via live streaming during the session. In addition, notes will be taken and for distribution after the session.


If you’d like to participate via live streaming, please follow this link:


I look forward to seeing you there.


Here is what you’ll find in this week’s update:

1.       Fall Commencement information and ticket requests, deadline November 28th

2.       Seeking Writing Tutors

3.       Come help decorate Thunderbird’s Christmas tree, December 3rd

4.       Counseling support available for students through Aetna

5.       Save the date! Women International Club & International Rescue Committee in Phoenix (IRC) clothing drive for refugee families



1.       Fall Commencement information and ticket requests

This is a reminder that all Fall Commencement information and ticket requests must be submitted by way of the webpage no later than Friday, November 28.

We really encourage you to take 5 minutes to create your log-in, submit your information and request tickets for your friends and family. Tickets are not available at the door. All students who walk in the December 12 ceremony will be required to complete this same information and if it hasn’t been done in advance, you will be directed to complete it on the morning of Commencement from an alternate location.

  • If you will not be walking in the December 12 ceremony, kindly email us so we can take you off the list as you will be receiving several emails in the next few weeks.
  • If you have not uploaded your personal message and Thunderbird photo memory, please do so prior to the deadline so you can be included in the montage that will play before and after the ceremony for your family and friends both in the venue and via the live feed.
  • Questions: contact Erin Schneiderman at

Thank you for your participation and congratulations on your upcoming graduation from Thunderbird.


2.       Seeking Writing Tutors


The Writing Center is currently seeking candidates interested in serving as peer tutors this coming spring. Candidates must be native English speakers with strong written and oral communication skills as well as a solid knowledge of proper MLA standards for the formatting of academic papers. A full description of the tutoring position is posted on TLE on the Writing Center course page ( Interested candidates may contact Don Bapst, the Director of the Writing Center, at, for more information



3.       Come help decorate Thunderbird’s Christmas tree, December 3rd


The Thunderbird faculty and staff will be decorating the annual Christmas tree for the holidays on Wednesday, Dec. 3 in the Commons from 10 a.m. – 12 noon.

Consider joining to help spread holiday cheer! Complimentary beverage coupons will be distributed.



4.       Counseling support available for students through Aetna


Many students experience stress with upcoming graduation, holidays, job searches, finals, being away from home, etc… Sometimes not knowing how to cope with this stress causes people to engage in unhealthy behaviors.  Others may just be depressed and feeling alone.


Aetna has a confidential program for students that connects them with licensed health professionals 24/7.  Students can also participate in up to 6 face-to-face counseling visits per year.

If you or a fellow student could use a little support, please consider taking advantage of this service.

The phone number is 1-877-351-7889 or (school ID: thunderbird).


5.       Save the date! Women International Club & International Rescue Committee in Phoenix (IRC) clothing drive for refugee families

When: 12/1(Monday) – 12/12 (Friday)

What: Collecting gently used men and women’s clothing (business apparel preferred)

Collection box locations: All dorms lounges (A, B, East’s Coleman, & West’s Sobo), Herberger Global Business Wing, and the Tower

Please note that all lounges are accessible with student ID cards. Coleman and Sobo lounges are located next to parking lots.


There will be no Friday update next Friday due to the Thanksgiving holiday.


I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


All the best,




Rebecca Henriksen

Vice President – Enrollment and Student Services Management

Thunderbird School of Global Management

Phone: 602-978-7118

Cell: 602-281-0562