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I am obsessed with art in all forms. Galleries, light, body movement, seasons, and one of my favorites, words. Words find a way to organize and illustrate insights and observations in ways other art forms can’t reach. At this eclectic school, these words are even more valuable.

We are wired to regard what impacts us, but we are also wired to connect.  Global and thought-provoking insights that stretch our minds and allow us to view and empathize with the thoughts of others whose life experiences radically differ is uniquely Thunderbird. Das Tor connects the globalized past and present, and it is an honor to be privy to thoughts that help us understand one another.

I am grateful to the entire leadership team that revived and redirected Das Tor, digitally transforming the legacy and re-engaging the student body, faculty, and alumni. 

I have always wanted to be an explorer. Post-graduation, I will pursue this goal and seek stories and places that inspire me in an effort to reach and challenge myself and others to see the world differently. 

Note from Das Tor: To remain connected with Christina, follow her on YouTube and Instagram.