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Working Towards a Better Future

Working Towards a Better Future

By Martin Terrazas Between April 7-14, 2013, Americans officially remember what is accepted as the Holocaust. This year’s theme, Never Again: Heed the Warning Signs, will be discussed in community centers, corporations, military bases, religious institutions, schools,...

TSG Chair Applications

TSG CHAIR APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE NOW! Applications for TSG Chair positions for the spring 2013 trimester are now available on the TSG MTB Page (under Elections), in the TSG Building, and attached to this weekly update. Please consider bringing your enthusiasm,...

Thunderbird Ladies Gathering

By Jessica Macias Bochatay’13 In the evening of Friday, 12th October 2012, 30 female Thunderbird students came together to celebrate what’s great about being a woman. Elegantly dressed, the ladies took this opportunity to meet with other ladies they had not yet met,...

Behind the Brains of Foundations’12

By: Anirrban Mukherjii, Captain, Foundations team’12 It really feels surreal to pen down my thoughts on the past two weeks. Foundations Fall 2012 was an attempt by a humble and hardworking team of students, faculty and support staff to provide the perfect...

When Bosses Do Harm

By Kannan Ramaswamy, Ph.D., and Bill Youngdahl, Ph.D. Bad bosses don’t wake up in the morning and ask themselves: “How can I derail the corporate strategy today?” Our research, based on surveys and interviews with more than 250 managers in 37 countries, shows that...