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Announcing Das Tor YouTube Channel

Announcing Das Tor YouTube Channel

The Das Tor YouTube Channel is live. There are two playlists to choose from: the Video Magazine which will feature student and alumni interviews, and Regional Night Fall ’15. We encourage you to subscribe and to send your videos or ideas to us. Remember Das Tor...

Sochi’s record-breaking Winter Olympics

As I stood in Starbucks the other day, hovering in that staggered way we do when we are waiting for our version of a latte to make it’s appearance, I overheard two women talking.  “Are you watching the Olympics?” the woman asked her friend....

Thunderbird’s (publicly) Hidden Treasure

Ever felt jealous when you looked at those awesome videos that other colleges always seem to have up on Youtube? Like the one with the drunk freshman attempting a handstand in the middle of a road? Or the bunch of teenage girls that do a (very bad) rendition of an...