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During the weekly TSG meeting this Friday, the Student Government recogonzied the hard work put by club leaders in organizing spectacular events for the student body for this Tri and the dedication of their Chairs and Trimester reps in serving the student community.

The Club Leader winners for the various categories were:


*Consistent, Worthwhile Member Meetings:  Toastmasters and Net Impact

*Exceptional Speaker Offerings on Campus:  Net Impact, Global Supply Chain Club, TMA

*Consistent Communication on Campus:  Net Impact, Thunderbird SHRM Chapter

*Outstanding Leadership in Event Programming:  Net Impact, Indian Sub Continent Club

*Outstanding Connections to Thunderbird Alumni or Industry Professionals:  Net Impact, TMA

*Overall Excellence in Leadership, Communication, and Programming:  Net Impact, TMA

*Club Leader Award 2012:  Susannah Ware, John Briscoe, Don Dennis

*Student Leader of the Trimester:  Kshitiji Shetty, Susannah Ware, John Briscoe

The Chair and Trimester Rep winners for the following categories were:


*Chair for achieving most results: Rula Andriessen

*Trimester Rep for achieving most results: Ashwathy Sreenivasan

*Chair for contributing the most to the TSG team: Karan Singh

*Trimester Rep for contributing most to the TSG team: Anisha Vinny

*Chair for serving the student community: Andres Osorio

*Trimester Rep for serving the student community: Amir Emadi

Congratulations to all the winners and Thank you for your contribution to the student community this Spring Tri!