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This week, the EBCC brings to you:

A session with Dr. Robert D. Hisrich, the Garvin Professor of Global Entrepreneurship and Director of the Walker Center for Global Entrepreneurship at Thunderbird.

As T-birds we believe that with crisis and uncertainty comes tremendous opportunity. Please join Professor Hisrich and Thunderbird EBCC as we discuss the current state of European business and entrepreneurship, and explore areas of opportunity amidst the ambiguity of today’s crises.

Date: Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012ThunderbirdEBCC
Time: 1‎:‎00 ‎pm ‎-  ‎2‎:‎15 ‎pm‎
Location: SNELL 21

Brought to you by Thunderbird European Business & Culture Club

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Please visit the ThunderbirdEBCC Facebook page and post stories of European success you may have recently come across, as well as questions or topics you would like to discuss during the session.