By Amir Emadi ’13
As the Thunderbird Student Government (TSG) president, I am very pleased to have the opportunity to lead towards a collaborative community on campus. Please give me the opportunity to hear your questions and comments about Thunderbird, TSG, and its team:
- Amir Emadi, President
- Varun Podar, Vice President
- Martena Kusz, Treasurer
- Josephine Chiang, Community Outreach Chair
- Shreyas Gore, Student Activities Chair
- Nikhil Kaul, International Student Liaison
- Vinit Kulkarni, Facilities & Securities Chair
- Govind Menon, Event Planning Chair
- Jesse Moore, Technical Coordinator
- Anirrban Mukherjii, Executive Education & Speaker Chair
- Ashwathy Sreenivasan, Marketing & Communications Chair
- Rachel Storey, Alumni Relations/Student Gift Giving Chair
- Anisha Vinny, Academics Affairs Chair
You can contact any of us at the TSG; we are here to listen and serve you.
Trimester Representative Applications
Deadline: September 17, @5pm
Location: TSG office or any TSG member on campus
(no online submission)
1st and 2nd trimester representatives have an opportunity to be a part of the internal student government body and learn more about the various roles we do on a daily basis. Trimester Reps will be in charge of bringing forward student issues, shadow a chair who deals in their area of interest, and act towards a progressive and collaborative goal.
Access the application by going to MTB Discussion Board > (in the Discussions box) > Ask TSG
Club Activation Applications
Deadline: September 17, @5pm
Location: TSG office or Shreyas Gore
(no online submission)
If you’re interested in starting a club, you must have attended the mandatory meeting last week. The TSG had sent an email to all students interested in starting clubs, and we were very excited by how many attended. Clubs become official only after students have made their allocations, which should finalize the week following club day.
Regional Club Meeting
Date: Tuesday, September 17th
Time: 1-2:30pm
Location: LH54
Host: Nikhil and Govind
At this meeting, TSG will discuss regional nights and other activities that regional clubs coordinate. If you do not attend, you will miss out on the most important information your club can attain and participate in changing.
Mandatory Treasurer’s Review
Date: Thursday, September 20th
Time: 1-2:30pm
Location: LH54
Host: Martena
Every treasurer from each club must attend this one-time, mandatory meeting. It helps TSG ensure that we have communicated and helps clubs better understand the required practices between club treasurers and TSG.
Club Day
Date: Friday, September 21st
Time: 4-6:00pm (allocations begin at 4pm)
Location: TEC (Thunderbird Event Center)
Due to the many students who attended NAAMBA on September 14th (2nd week of the trimester) when we would normally hold Club Day, students have an additional week to prepare their clubs.
For setup:
- Chairs and tables will be supplied near power outlets
- Clubs are responsible for bringing, supervising, and cleaning up their own equipment.
- Limited numbers of easels will be available, which will be divided equally around the TAC
- Clubs are welcome to bring packaged snacks and refreshments for attendees
Moodle 2.3 Upgrade Round Table
Date: Wednesday, September 19th
Time: 1-2:00pm
Location: Herberger Pharmacia
Host: Jesse Moore of TSG and Mike Grasso of ATS
The Academic Technology Services team here at Thunderbird is revamping the Thunderbird Learning Environment (TLE) and My Thunderbird (MTB. TSG will be voicing student concerns at a feedback session we’re holding with ATS.
Attend the event or tweet us your thoughts before 9/19 on the below topics @TSGStudentGov #TLE (e.g. “@tsgstudentgov #tle needs a search function”) –
- TLE Portal Home Page – what should be on it?
- Calendar
- Upcoming Events
- Announcements
- Standard blocks
- Navigation
- Activities
- Settings
- TLE Theme
- Taxonomy
Global Issues Forum Speaker
Date: Thursday, September 20th
Time: 1:10-2:20pm
Location: Yount DLC
Host: Mr. Eric Kauffman,
Topic: A journey: Thunderbird and beyond
Mr. Kauffman is the president of Premier Sports & Entertainment and a 2003 graduate of Thunderbird. This talk will help students get a perspective of what to expect upon graduating from Thunderbird.
Town Hall
Date: Tuesday, September 25th
Time: 1:15 pm
Location: Lecture Hall 53
Host: Ambassador Barbara Barrett
Interim President, Ambassador Barrett will hold a town hall for students to talk about new initiatives in the Full-time programs and to answer questions. Students are encouraged to attend.
TSG’s primary objective is to enhance the student experience by communicating effectively. Let us know how we can better serve you.
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