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foundations speaker awe

Courtesy: Thunderbird Marketing Dept.

Without a doubt, foundations for fall 2013 was a huge success. It had many interesting things- just as it had a few slips.

The guest speakers, Mark Anderson, Strategic News Service CEO and Gerald Hsu, highest paid CEO in Silicon Valley were a great source of inspiration to the students. Fun events like Thunder Olympics, the flash mob and Thunder- crawl were also received with similar excitement. The flag ceremony was unanimously accepted as the eye candy of the entire foundations.

Though it was quite helpful in figuring our future goals, many people found one or two CMC sessions very long and repetitive. It was widely felt that the American Business Culture (ABC) sessions were totally misleading and portrayed Americans in a different shade. Some of the students also suggested that Elements could have been accommodated instead of those sessions. A few of them also complained that professional head shots of students taken during foundations was not efficiently planned.

To put it in a nutshell, foundations was a wonderful 3 weeks journey except for a couple of boring sessions.