Welcome to Week 5 at Thunderbird! As we approach October, it is hard to imagine but we are almost at the end of the first module!
Here are some updates from the TSG:
Regional Night Successful: Thanks to all the students for coming out last night to make the Americas Regional Night such a huge success. I would like to thank everyone involved in making it a memorable event, particularly the ThunderPlanners, the LatAm Business Club. Hope you all enjoyed their efforts!
Talk to the Director of Dining Services: On Monday September 30th 2013, the director of Dining services, Jesse Guthery will be in the commons to answer any questions, comments or concerns about Dining services. Please stop by the Commons from 11am-2pm, to give him your feedback as well as any suggestions you may have about the dining services.
Know Your TSG & Ask TSG: We are happy to hear that the Know Your TSG campaign has been really well received by students and faculty. The feedback received from faculty in person and students indicates that they seem to know TSG a lot better now. As always, please make sure to utilize the Ask TSG panels at the Commons from Monday – Thursday at lunch time to submit your concerns to us, so that it may be addressed by the right persons as quickly as possible.
Business Communications Course necessity for graduation: Students who haven’t completed the business communication course (i.e. either Business Writing or Business Presentation) required for graduation must register for it for next module. This effects all students who started before Fall 2013. Beginning spring module this course will be offered for credit, which will affect academic plans. If you have questions, contact TSG Academic Affairs Chair, Nate Stickney at nathanstickney@global.t-bird.edu
Be proactive with your career search: Opt-in résumé books are a great way for you to get your résumé to appear in search results for Thunderbird employers. To take advantage of this option:
1) Visit GlobalConnect > Documents > Opt-In Résumé Book.
2) Designate the specific résumé (or résumés) from your approved documents that you wish to be searchable in the functional books that show in the drop-down menu.
3) Complete these steps before October 1 to ensure your résumé is included (The CMC will be creating these résumé books on October 1).
For continuing students, do not forget to submit your career search update form on TLE by 13th October deadline! It is hardly takes 2 minute to fill up the form, please follow the following steps or click on the link – http://learning.thunderbird.edu/course/view.php?id=5709
Log in to learning.thunderbird.edu using you thunderbird student ID and password
Click on Career Search Updates tab (Top right corner)
Click “Enroll me” – If you have not enrolled yourself already
Scroll down to the bottom and click “Career Search Update #1 (Sep.3 – Oct. 11, 2013)”
Submit the form with accurate information.
For any suggestions, please feel free to contact me for any queries regarding the TSG at nagarajuabhishek@global.t-bird.edu.