Hello Thunderbirds!
We are at the close of an exciting, productive and successful Professional Development Week! Special thanks and major kudos to the CMC for their excellent work – trust me when I tell you that this week’s activities were the result of hundreds of hours of planning, coordination, and hard work. I’m thrilled to announce that there were more than 230 on-campus interviews this week, with dozens of additional interviews planned for the near future. You T-birds are impressive! Congratulations!
Here is what you’ll find in this week’s update:
Financial Aid exit counseling sessions for graduating students: The Financial Aid Office is providing a group Financial Aid Exit Counseling Session. These sessions are designed to help you with plans to repay your student loans and other valuable information. Each session is scheduled from 1 to 2:00 to allow time for Q & A. Please check your schedules for the time that works best for you and drop an email to brenda.wright@thunderbird.edu to sign up. Session are available on: Tuesday, October 29th or Thursday, October 31st or Tuesday, November 5th or Thursday, November 7th. All sessions take place in Snell 21.
New location for the Writing Center: The Writing Center has moved to the IBIC, bringing writing consultations closer to where you write and research. You are welcome to drop in with questions or to talk about your writing (please note that scheduled appointments have priority). Enter through the Bloomberg room to meet with Wendy. Evening and weekend peer tutor consultations continue in the same place (the conference room near the magazine lounge). Schedule appointments online via the Writing Center TLE page (TLE > Reference Sites tab > Writing Center).
Toastmasters Charity Dinner: Don’t forget to buy your tickets for the bi-annual Thunderbird Communication Leadership Club Charity dinner; the theme this year is Veteran Entrepreneurship, helping those who help to protect. Tickets are $10 for general admission and $5 with proof of military background in any country (armed forces, peace corps, etc.) and can be purchased online (http://tbirdoperationthankyou.eventbrite.com/) or from a ticket seller. 100% of the ticket sales and donations will go to Operation Thank You, an organization who sends care packages to active duty military personnel. See you November 1st at 5:30pm in the TEC!
2nd-Half Drop/Add on Access Thunderbird: The 2nd-half drop/add period for continuing Full-Time MBA (pre-Fall 2013 start), MA/MS (pre-Fall 2013), MA-MBA, MS-MBA, Dual Degree, and Post-MBA students begins at 8:00am (AZ time) on Monday, October 28th and will remain available until 4:00pm (AZ time) on Thursday, October 31st.
Ask questions and give ideas to Dining Services: On Tuesday October 29th 2013, Jesse Guthery of Chartwells will be in the commons to answer any questions, comments or concerns about Dining services. Please stop by the Commons from 12pm-2pm .
Marketing Summit and Case Competition hosted by Wake Forest: The application to compete in the 2014 Marketing Summit and Case Competition hosted by the Wake Forest University Center for Retail Innovation is now open for submission. The 2013 Marketing Summit sponsored by FedEx hosted teams from some of the top MBA and Undergraduate programs in the world and awarded a total of $106,000 in competition prizes, a new record for the Marketing Summit. We are gearing up for another record-breaking Summit, and encourage a team from your school to submit an application to compete by following this link to the 2014 online application: https://www.marketingsummitlive.com/online-application/. The 2014 Marketing Summit will take place February 27 – March 1, and the application deadline is December 1. The following links contain information on the 2013 Marketing Summit if you are interested in learning more about the Competition: http://www.marketingsummitlive.com/, http://www.cri.business.wfu.edu/23rdAnnualMarketingSummit.aspx
Have a wonderful weekend! (And a fun Halloween!)
All the best,