It was another bumping Saturday night in the TEC for this trimester’s last regional night, celebrating the European, Middle Eastern and African cultures. The event tent filled early, as usual, with some varied and delicious dishes waiting for us (and, of course, the free beer).
After polishing off my second plate, and leaving little room for that delicious tiramisu, the events began. Our hosts for the event were Bassel Farran and Wesley Nicholson, who led us through singing, dancing and skits that represented a plethora of cultures.
One of my favorite parts about these Regional Nights is that it gets the entire school together under one roof. You have to have a good reason for skipping out on one of these, because most of your other friends will be in attendance. It’s great to see some student talents displayed in such a celebratory way.
Congrats to all the performers, and here’s to next trimester’s regional night!