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By: Alina Buzgar, Features Editor

Das Tor welcomes the fresh team of Thunderbird Student Government (TSG) for Spring 2015.

Sabah Hussain, President

Sabah Hussain

Sabah Hussain

As TSG President, Sabah is responsible for coordinating student affairs and events. You’ll be able to see me Fridays 1pm-2pm at TSG public meetings in LH 53. I am interested in your opinions and issues. I hope this trimester TSG exceeds students’ expectations across the board. Contact me with questions, concerns, and coffee invites at


Tion Barnaby, Vice President 

Tion Barnaby

Tion Barnaby

As the Vice President, Tion will be responsible for administering and overseeing the TSG activities carried out by the Thunderbird Student Government Chairs as well as supporting the President in coordinating any student affairs to the Thunderbird-ASU administration. Contact Information(to discuss any concerns, issues or questions):


Yash Saboo, Treasurer

Yash Saboo

Yash Saboo

Treasurer organizes and manages the financial resources of the Thunderbird Student Government. Contact Yash for any TSG related financial activities, queries or help at



Jessica Briggs, Community Outreach Chair

Jessica Briggs

Jessica Briggs

The Community Outreach chair creates volunteer opportunities for the entire student body to connect with the Glendale community. Feel free to email Jessica at if any students or clubs need assistance with community service events.



Marissa Burkett, Sustainability Chair

Marissa Burkett

Marissa Burkett

The Sustainability Chair oversees campus efforts to reduce Thunderbird’s environmental footprint and works to create an atmosphere of environmental responsibility. Contact Marissa with any issues or concerns with school sustainability efforts at



Piyush Chandra, Alumni Relations & Student Gift Chair

Piyush Chandra

Piyush Chandra

As the Chair for Alumni Relations and Exec Ed Speaker, I shall thrive to enrich the experience of the student fraternity by engaging Alumni, Executive MBA students, and other eminent professionals. In addition, I shall also decide about the class gift on behalf of the outgoing spring 2015 batch.



Ricky Lin, Marketing & Communications Chair

Ricky Lin

Ricky Lin

As the chair of marketing and communication, I will help Thunderbird community engage more events we have and share the latest news with you. Also, I’d love to help clubs to advertise events through TSG channels.

Reach me at



Jonaki Moitra, Event Planning Chair

Jonaki Moitra

Jonaki Moitra

Jonaki is the Events planning chair, she will be handling all the Regional Nights at thunderbird. If you have any queries with respect to the current events being held at thunderbird and about the regional nights do reach out to her at



Sandeep Patil, Facilities, Security & Technical Chair

Sandeep Patil

Sandeep Patil

Facilities, Security & Technical Chair Collaborates with campus facility and security staff to solve the problems and enhance student experience on campus. Contact Sandeep regarding any issues and requirements of student facilities and security. At



Rafael Salamanca, Academic Affairs Chair

Rafael Salamanca

Rafael Salamanca

As your Academic Affairs Chair, Rafael will work toward an excellent academic experience for all t-birds. If you are having trouble with a class, difficulties with a professor of dynamic problems with fellow students, feel free to reach out to him via email/text/whatsapp/facebook or just stop him on campus. Any issues will remain confidential. Email:


Collin Shepherd, Student Activities Chair

Collin Shepherd

Collin Shepherd

Student Activities Chair is responsible for fostering collaboration among clubs and organizations and encouraging synergies in the organization of campus events as well as serving as a liaison between TSG and those clubs and organizations. Email:



Click HERE to fill out an online form with your concern or question. Pressing Submit will forward it to your TSG officers!


What is TSG?

The Thunderbird Student Government (TSG) is an entity established by the students to work for the students. Our main goal is to enhance the STUDENTS’ EXPERIENCES by: representing the students’ voice to the stakeholders of the school, serving the students’ needs, organizing and providing funds for students’ Clubs’ activities. Through TSG, student needs and concerns are addressed, and solutions are found. In addition, TSG is the primary funding agent for student activities on campus and student requested speakers! TSG is comprised of both elected and appointed positions.

Click here to find out more about TSG or visit them on Facebook.