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By Aaron Rockwell, Staff Writer

I’m often swept up by sensationalist Putin stories, but as far as some of the other low-key world leaders, I lose track of who’s who, so here’s the top 5 GDP countries‘ leaders, plus Putin (Russia is #11):

GDP 1, U.S., Donald Trump:

Courtesy: Amazon

Courtesy: Amazon

I think we all might have Trump fatigue so here’s the quick and dirty: He’s 70 years old and 6’2″, his estimated net worth is $3.5 billion. He has been in office around 100 days and has around three and a half years left in office. He has a 42.8% favorable rating. Also wrote: Trump: The Art of the Deal. He has a long signature; I could never get on board with long signatures because they seem to be time wasters.


GDP 2, China, Xi Jinping:



People love him worldwide, and in his country. Has fought to scale back corruption in China. He’s 5’11, and 63 years old. The Chinese president is elected by the congress. He wrote a book as well: Xi Jinping: The Governance of China. President Jinping has been in office for around 4 years, and will be up for reelection next year (5 year terms, 2 terms total). As far as estimated worth goes, no one is quite sure, but for sure not as much as Putin.


GDP 3, Japan, Shinzō Abe:



He’s currently 62 years old. He was the youngest Japanese Prime Minister to be elected, back in 2006 (54 years old), but then resigned for health reasons in 2007. But he came back for more action in 2012! Japanese Prime Ministers have no limits, so he might be in there awhile, but historically, Japan has changed Prime Ministers fairly rapidly (~3-4 years).  He’s 5’9″ and his cabinet’s approval rating is currently at 55%. He wrote a book, too; actually, he wrote several, but this is the highest praised one: “Utsukushii Kuni e(“Toward a Beautiful Country”). His estimated net worth is $41 million.


GDP 4, Germany, Angela Merkel



Federal Chancellor Merkel, 5’5″ and powerful, oh how we enjoy your handshake skills and long German tenure (has been in office since 22 November 2005). She will be up for reelection in September of this year. Her current approval rating is 60%.  She has not authored any books. Germany also has a president but he does not hold any executive power. Estimated net worth: $11.5 million.

GDP 5, United Kingdom, Theresa May



She took over the job after Cameron’s gamble with Brexit went south in July 2016. After Cameron’s resignation, the Queen of England actually appointed May, which is a unique situation. She’s 60 years old and 5’8.” She just enacted an early election for the election of the prime minister. This is something that the PM can use to create an election when popularity is high in the house for the best chance of re-election. This will occur in June. She has not written any books. Her estimated net worth is $3.8 million.


GDP 11, Russia, Vladimir Putin



He’s probably immortal, but his recorded age is 64, and he stands at 5′ 6 and a half. He was the 2nd and is currently the 4th president of Russia. Russia has an interesting system where the term limit is (since 2008) 6 years, so a total of 12-year terms, but President Putin can switch off with his prime minister indefinitely in elections as long as he keeps winning. He co-authored a book: Judo with Vladimir Putin. His approval rating is 86.1% and his estimated net worth is $70 to $200 billion.

Summary: C’mon ladies, get to writing! It’s easy, just get a good ghost writer and slap your name and mugshot on the book. The most shocking takeaway for me was how short Vladimir Putin is. Second note, some of my knowledge of these election processes have been picked up through bar conversations and random passings, so if I’m wrong, please feel free to correct me!