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Like I’m Normal: My Weird Disabled Life

Like I’m Normal: My Weird Disabled Life

by Daisy Jasmine, Staff Writer When I was in junior high school, I—with ample help from my mother—drafted a long introductory letter explaining the details of my hearing loss, and the scale and scope of the accommodations I would need. During the first week of each...
Company and Cuisine: The Social Phenomenon of Brunch

Company and Cuisine: The Social Phenomenon of Brunch

by Daisy Jasmine, Staff Writer Over this past spring break, I had the unique opportunity to travel to San Diego with a fellow Das Tor writer and attend a new food festival: specifically, a one-day convention devoted to brunch, called BrunchCon. Food festivals are no...
One-Person Dates for the Independent T-Bird

One-Person Dates for the Independent T-Bird

by Daisy Jasmine, Staff Writer   Valentine’s Day has come and gone, and beleaguered unpaired folks across the nation are sighing with relief as the happy couples cease their parading of grandiose dates, floral arrangements, oversized teddy bears, and...