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The Friendship Lesson

The Friendship Lesson

by Daisy Jasmine, Staff Writer   Dear Prince Morrison, Before I came to Thunderbird, I was something of a loner. I had friends I loved, to be sure, but I never truly felt that coveted sense of community—a tightly knit group of ponies who really, without caveats,...
A Das Tor Farewell…

A Das Tor Farewell…

My Thunderbird Community, I’m going to start this out with letting you all know (hopefully it’s just a reminder) that Das Tor will not be in publication over the summer. Unfortunately, with the low amount of students on campus over summers, we do not run...
The Farewell Framework

The Farewell Framework

As the year draws to an end and the trimester draws to a conclusion, familiar phrases and words keep popping up in daily conversation and my social media posts. Finals. Graduation. Last Class. Farewell. The last one resonates and rings for a fair bit. It’s a...