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Courtesy: Das Tor Newspaper

Courtesy: Das Tor Newspaper

My Thunderbird Community,

I’m going to start this out with letting you all know (hopefully it’s just a reminder) that Das Tor will not be in publication over the summer. Unfortunately, with the low amount of students on campus over summers, we do not run the newspaper during this time. The paper will see you in September!

On another more personal note, I have been working here on Das Tor now for almost two years. I served as News Editor in the Fall of 2012 and I have been this newspaper’s Editor-in-Chief from then on. It’s hard to imagine my time here at Thunderbird without Das Tor in my life. However, change is inevitable. If Professors Siehl and Bowen taught me anything, it’s that. And so, it’s with a humble heart and a love for this newspaper and school, that I must announce that this week’s issue will be my final issue as Editor-in-Chief. I have had one of the most incredible experiences working on the transformation of Das Tor over the past two years. I have never been so proud to see where this paper has come and how many lives our news touches each and every week. I can say, I will truly miss it.

However, I should also note that this paper is moving into the hands of someone I know will take incredible care of it. I would like to take this time to announce that the new Editor-in-Chief of Das Tor will be none other than our outgoing staff writer, Mark Jackson! I have worked with Mark over the past year on Das Tor and he truly knows and cares for this publication. I know it’s in great hands and best of luck to Mark as he continues to better and further Das Tor’s mission of being a “student led newspaper, for students, by students.”

Courtesy: Mark Jackson

Courtesy: Mark Jackson

I would also like to take this time to thank my incredible staff and the amazing administrators who never tired of allowing myself and my staff to interview them time and again. I have been so blessed to work with such an incredible group of people. Das Tor will continue to be the voice of the Thunderbird students. Of that I am sure. I will not be graduating until December so I still look forward to playing an active advisory role with the paper but I know that it’s being left in extremely capable hands. Thank you to everyone for allowing me to serve this paper and school the way I have over the past two years. I have loved every minute of it… no matter how stressful it may have been at times! And… best of luck grads! You will do amazing things.