by Chanel McFollins | Oct 4, 2018 | Archives
By Chanel McFollins, Staff Writer As I was talking about missing The Pub (our home pub on the Thunderbird Glendale campus in the tower), a first-year student asked “What was so special about that pub that is hard to find another? Was it the size?” That’s when it hit...
by Gillian Reid | Apr 25, 2018 | Archives
By Hal Reid, Guest Alumni Writer (Class of 1971) In a short period of time, some of you will graduate and have to get a J-O-B. When attending graduations of my own, my five children, and family members, one phrase is always said: “You are the Future.” However, this is...
by Guest Writer | Mar 1, 2018 | Uncategorized
By Chanel McFollins and Aireen Kinyanguli, Guest Writers It was recently brought to our attention that some Thunderbird students were unaware of Black History Month. We wanted to address this not only because it is an American tradition, and we are at an...
by Guest Writer | Dec 18, 2017 | Uncategorized
By Anonymous, current student Embrace modernity, remember history. My feelings on the move to downtown are feelings of alarm. The campus at Downtown will have many state of the art facilities, but I fear it will lack the authenticity of the Thunderbird campus. I...
by Chris Barton | Dec 16, 2017 | Uncategorized
By Chris Barton, Editor-in-Chief Thunderbird is moving downtown. Or rather, there will be a building with a Thunderbird logo on it downtown. The Thunderbird School of Global Management, as we have come to know and love it, will probably not be moving downtown. That...