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With Changes Come New Opportunities for T-birds

With Changes Come New Opportunities for T-birds

By Mackenzie Pedersen, Staff Writer Thunderbirds, unfortunately, must face the facts: the Arizona sun is setting upon the Thunderbird campus. This bittersweet change has arrived faster than expected. Regardless of the pain associated with leaving what is known,...
Merger Mania: Changes at Home

Merger Mania: Changes at Home

This column is dedicated to the thoughts of students as the Arizona State University merger progresses. By Jessica Knutzon, Co-editor Note from the author: I had originally elected to remain anonymous but have since changed my mind. I am very proud of Thunderbird and...
Birds of Feather Flock Together: Part 1

Birds of Feather Flock Together: Part 1

By Jessica Knutzon, Co-editor Part I: The Venezuelan Crisis Hits Home It is 1999, you are ten years old and there is a new president in your country. The government shifts to socialism and by the mid-2000s, your country takes a turn for the worst. Today, the...
Page from a T-bird’s diary

Page from a T-bird’s diary

B-schools – you may have seen them, heard about them from friends but you need to be in one to fully understand what it is really like. It is hard to believe that one whole trimester has passed by in the wink of an eye. From Foundations to last term finals, the...

Breakfast with GE Recruiters

MBA Women International Club organized a breakfast with a few of the Thunderbird alumni who were here to recruit students for Experienced Commercial Leadership Program (ECLP). They gave information about the program and walked us through the recruitment process. The...