This year’s Global photo Contest is going viral! Between AZ time January 24th 00:00am to January 31st, 2012 11:59PM, contestants will have to upload photos of themselves in global locations wearing T-bird attire to our Thunderbird Facebook Page: Photos that receive the most “Likes” on the page between the allocated time will be the winner!
1st Place – $300
2nd Place – $200
3rd Place – $100
Don’t forget to pack your Tbird shirts for your travels this winter!
Rules and Regulations:
1. Only Thunderbird students who are enrolled during the Spring 2012 trimester are eligible to win.
2. The photos must be in digital format (3 mega pixels or better). Thunderbird reserves the rights to request a file of higher quality from contestants.
3. Entries should be posted on the wall of the Thunderbird Facebook page and must be uploaded between 00:00am AZ time of January 21st, 2012 to 11:59PM AZ time of January 29th, 2012.
4. By entering the contest and submitting the photos, you are giving Thunderbird permission to use them in media campaigns, including on our website and in printed materials.
5. Prizes will be in the form of checks and are subjected to taxes as per US laws. Taxes, and any fees or costs associated with the prizes are the sole responsibility of the Winners and will be deducted from the total prize value.