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8251259034_2012c620e2_oThis past Thursday, students were given the treat of a fun-filled Meet & Greet with our schools new President, Dr. Larry Penley in the Pavilion during dead hour. Upon completion of the hectic final day of classes, students gathered around the Pavilion where they were surprised with a delicious feast of foods and desserts from all over ranging from pot stickers, to chicken kabobs and everything in between. The Thunderbird administration took some time to gather and eat with the students around the Pavilion while students shared their thoughts on how the trimester has gone and what changes they could expect to see come January. It was a great chance to get everyone out in the sun for some delicious food and as well some surprise guests… and treats!

Once everyone had stuffed their faces with the delicious, and complimentary food and drinks, it was time to get down to business and hear a few words from our new President. Dr. Penley discussed his plans to ensure the continued success of our Thunderbird Community as well as focusing on this plans for the future. He reminded all how important this global faculty and mindset is to all of us here at Thunderbird and how we must take the time to truly capitalize on these ThunderTraits.With this, he presented a few members of the faculty and students were treated to a bit of “Two Truths and a Lie” to learn even more about these professors we see day in and day out. The incredible event was concluded with a giant game of T-bird Jeopardy in which students could blow off some finals steam and learn more about the place we all call home. That, and the generous prizes didn’t hurt! It was a great showing from students and faculty alike in support of our new Thunderbird President!
